- Dimensions: 30mm length x 10mm width x 10mm thick
- aimants type de: Permanent
- Matériel: NdFeB, néodyme
- Qualité: N35
- Revêtement / Revêtement: Ni-Cu-Ni (Plaqué nickel)
- Direction magnétisation: à travers l'épaisseur (Polonais sur Ends plat)
- Poids: 22.8 g / pièce
- Température maximale opérante: 176ºF (80ºC)
- Surface Field: 4100 Gauss
- force de traction:environ. 10.79 kg
These 30mm blocks are very strong and very sturdy. Lots of holding power in a fairly compact shape. Easy enough to handle for the experienced user but still easy enough to get pinched if you’re not careful. Use caution when working with this mighty block.
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