난 당신이 향신료 아래에 첨부 할 수 있습니다 내 자신의 DIY 양념 랙을 구축. 나는 랙 보드로 HEMA에서 작은 랙 및 임베디드 자석을 수정. 양념 용기 외에 당신은 또한 다른 금속 물체를 끊을 수 있습니다. You can even hang up non-magnetic objects if you glue a magnet directly under the lid.
For the rack you need:
- Rack board (here: HEMA, 8 euros)
- Drilling machine
- Hole cutter 21-22 mm
- Disc magnets 20 엑스 5 mm
- Modelling clay
- Metal containers
- Pencil
- Two screws
- Screwdriver
And that’s how you do it:
- Think about how many magnets you want to embed in the rack and mark the locations for the holes.
- Carefully drill the holes with the hole cutter and make sure you don’t drill through the rack.
- Place the magnets (right orientation) in the holes and fill them with modeling clay.
- Hang up the rack and attach the metal containers. You can glue magnets into non-ferromagnetic containers.
My arts and crafts blog
You can find these and many other ideas on myarts and crafts blog!